Teacher Trainings > RYPT Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training

US Yoga Alliance 85 hrs Pre & Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training American Yoga Alliance 85-Hour Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Instructor Course for Pregnant Women

**This course is divided into 3 modules, prenatal yoga, postnatal yoga and the American Yoga Alliance 85-hour pregnant yoga instructor certificate, which can be applied separately to suit different needs.

**Another 10 hours of online learning videos and materials for easy review **After completing the course, it can be counted into RYT 500 hours Core 

Location: 15/F, 83 Wan Chai Road 
Tutor: Doris Li 
Language of instruction: Chinese 
Certificate: American Yoga Federation RPTY 85 hrs prenatal and postnatal yoga instructor certificate for pregnant women **To register for the American Yoga League, students must have a RYT 200 certificate **Students must complete all course content within 3 months, with an attendance rate of 90%, and the certificate will be awarded after passing the written test and submitting homework 

Course structure and content:
🤰 Module 1: Prenatal Yoga Course for Pregnant Women

1. History and Philosophy
Angle pose by a yoga teacher
Women's production history
Looking at the pregnant body from the perspective of yoga
Introduction to the Patanjali Yoga Sutras
The physical and mental connection between baby and mother

2. Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy
Changes in body structure, hormonal levels and physical functions in different stages of pregnancy
Stage of fetal development
Fetal Position (OFP) Theory
Common pregnancy pain and discomfort
Stages of Labour (Stages of Labour)
Recognize high-risk pregnancy and prenatal depression
Correct standing, sitting, and walking posture during pregnancy
Maternal Nutrition

3. Asana practice
Asana exercises in different stages of pregnancy
The influence of asanas on pregnant body structure and the way to enter the asana
Relief of discomfort during pregnancy such as pelvic pain or sciatica
Pregnant women's body considerations and modifications in yoga poses
Safe and effective core and pelvic floor exercises
Active Birth exercises
The role of the birth partner during pregnancy
Safety Precautions
Meditation and breathing exercises for pregnancy and childbirth

4. Teaching Skills
Teaching password relaxation skills
Classroom arrangement
Yoga Nidra (Yoga Sleep)
Teaching techniques for meditation and breathing exercises
Props and various uses
Prenatal mindfulness exercises
Simulated teaching exercises
🤱 Module 2: Postpartum Yoga Course
This training course is suitable for all people who are interested in yoga during pregnancy and postpartum

1. Postpartum anatomy and physiology
Changes in postpartum body structure, hormone levels and physical functions
Postpartum physical assessment
Understanding postpartum depression and ways to help mothers
How to deal with natural birth wounds, sutures and caesarean section and recovery period
Postpartum symptoms and causes of pain

2. Asana practice
Integrated exercises for core muscles
Practice for the symptoms of gastroptosis and uterine ptosis
Exercises for pelvic floor muscles
Separate exercises for rectus abdominis
Exercises for joint pain
Yoga sequence for interacting with babies

3. Teaching Skills
Physical precautions for post-natal exercises
Postpartum Yoga Class and Difficulty Arrangement
Myofascial massage technique
Various training tools and uses
Parent-child yoga choreography

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